
Brazil fan leaves everything in his will to Neymar


A Brazilian fan has left everything in his will to PSG and Brazil superstar Neymar.

The anonymous fan said that beyond a love for the national team and for Brazil’s football legacy, he identified with Neymar, which led him to officially name the Brazil striker in his will.

“I like Neymar, I identify with him a lot. I also suffer with defamation, I am also very family-oriented and the relationship with his father reminds me a lot of mine with my father, who has passed away,” he said in an interview with local media outlet Metropoles.

“I am not in very good health and, because of that, I really saw that I don’t have anyone to leave my things to… I wouldn’t want the government or relatives I don’t get along with to take my things.”

The 30-year-old added that he had tried unsuccessfully to give his assets to the Brazil international before, but the will was a legal way to do so and the document was signed by a notary’s office in Porto Alegre.

Neymar is one of the highest-paid sportsmen in the world, with estimated earnings of $85 million for 2023 according to Forbes.

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